Sunday, February 17, 2008

Travel Blog of the Week...Blogshank.

Blogshank is a travel blog that just a little different from the norm. Most travel blogs rely on photographs and words. This one relies on illustrations. To be fair, it's not a true travel blog as it's function is to highlight an illustrator's work. But for a few months (September 2007 - December 2007), the illustrator travelled and the blog went with him.

It's fun, it's fresh, and it provides a showcase on how to compact an amazing amount of information into one page. Mike Smith, the illustrator, simply used diary pages to record his impressions and experiences of his travels. These were then emailed home and posted on his blog by his brother.

Check it out.

And if you want to find out more about the how's and why's of the Blogshank blog, have a read of an interview with Mike over at

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