There’s a great discussion going on over at Freelance Writing Jobs. It focuses on applying for blogging jobs. There are two points of view. The first is that of an employer, the second that of a writer.
The employer, James from, recently posted this ad…
I sell tea at and I need someone to write the blog. Someone with an informal, personal style that makes the blog fun to read and communicates a real love for tea (so you need to love tea – otherwise it shows). The job pays US$400 per month, for which I would like 8 posts each month, each of 250-500 words (the word count is not paramount). Topics would include tea types, tea areas of the world, tea in culture, tea paraphernalia such as biscuits etc. I can give you ideas, and you will also come up with your own. We already have a blog but it is too dry – I don’t enjoy reading it, so why would anyone else. You need to be comfortable using Wordpress and working from home. Email
Not surprisingly, he was inundated with applications (okay, I admit it, I was one of them - I love tea and thought it would be an interesting subject to write about).
Anyway, James wrote an interesting post - Things to Consider Before Applying for a Gig - yesterday offering feedback on the process. He describes what he liked about the applicants, what he didn’t like, and why he rejected applicants. Anyone considering apply for a paid blogging job should have a read. But don’t just read the post, read the almost 50 comments as well. You’ll learn a lot.
Today, blogger Jennifer Chait responded with a post of her own - My Blog Client Wish List - in which she reminds clients that it’s a two way street. Clients have needs but so do writers. It’s just a question of getting the two to balance.
Check it out.
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