Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who's Going to Win a Lonely Planet Travel Blogger Award?

Sure hope you were able to vote in the inaugural Lonely Planet Travel Blogger Awards.

There were plenty of deserving travel bloggers worth voting for in each category. I managed to get my votes in at the very last minute but it didn't seem to help my chosen travel blogs.

So far only the public vote has been tallied. From that we can see the leading leading travel blog in each category...

Go Visit Hawaii (Best Destination Blog)
Bearshapedsphere (Best Expat Blog)
Intelligent Travel Blog (Best Consumer Blog)
Windy Skies (Best Travelogue)
La Volta dels 25 ( Best Non-English Language Blog)
Churu y Marian en El Bolson (Best Spanish Language Blog)
World Signs (Best French Language Blog)
il reporter (Best Italian Language Blog)
soultravlers3 Twitter (Best Micro Blogging)
soultravelers3 You Tube (Best Video Blog)
soultravelers3 blog (Best Themed Blog)
Tacogirl's Travel Blog (Best Image Blog)
Spotted By Locals (Best Group Authored Blog)
Amateur Traveler (Best Podcast Blog)

Remember, though, that the public vote only accounts for 50% of the overall score. The remaining 50% scoring of each blog is up to the Lonely Planet judges.

The final results of the Lonely Planet Travel Blogger Awards will not be know until the 26th March, when they are announced at a party in San Francisco. It will be interesting to see if the public and the judges think the same.

Not being all that familiar for many of the leading travel blogs, I spent the rest of the morning visiting them (and all the other final nominees) to see what I had been missing. I hope you have time to do the same.

(originally posted at Perceptive Travel blog)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Highway Twitter Transcript Available at...

Did you catch the Blog Highway seminar at twitter? If not, do not fear. The transcript remains for those of us who missed the live action to get a replay.

To read it in order, though, you have to start at the end and at the bottom of each page. Once you've finished a page, then click on newer and you'll be able to follow the whole show.

So here's the link to the live twitter sessionstarting from the beginning of the sesssion.

I'm off now to read it myself...

Winner of The Writer Mama book giveaway is...

Hi everyone. Hope you enjoyed Christine Katz's (aka Writer Mama)take on finding an agent. It was definitely food for thought. Must admit, thinking about an agent isn't on my agenda at the present time, but it's good to know what to consider when I come to that crossroad in my writing career.

Now, don't forget that you can continue to follow The Writer Mama blog tour by checking in here for daily locations.

Meanwhile, the winner of The Writer Mama book, thanks to my trusty random number selector, is...


Congrats. If you could email me (kiwiwriter at your email and postal address, I'll send that on to Christine who will send you out your very own copy of The Writer Mama.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Follow 'Blog Highways' Session at SXSW Live on Twitter Tomorrow...

Good news for those of us who won't be in Austin, Tx tomorrow for Sheila and Pam's Blog Highways: Travel Blogging for the Wanderer session (Saturday, March 14 3:30 - 4:30 Central time) at SXSW. It's going to be live twittered by the following:

Shannon Hurst Lane of Traveling Mamas and Kelly Goodman of Travellious.

Others to follow include Sheila from Family Travel Logue, Pam from Nerd's Eye View and Wendy Perrin from The Perrin Report.

Maybe I'll see you in twitterville...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Writer Mama Blog Tour and Giveaway arrives at Write to Travel.

As I mentioned the other day, Christine Katz (aka The Writer Mama) is on a blog tour celebrating the two year anniversary of her online growth at The Writer Mama and Writers on the Rise online community, plus the publication of her book The Writer Mama.

Today, we're lucky to have Christine stop by and write a little about the mystery behind getting an agent.

Your Agent, Your Partner by Christine Katz

One thing I am always emphasizing to writers when they attend a writer’s conference in hopes of impressing an agent is this: you are looking for a partner, not hoping to be discovered. An agent is not a magician. She can’t wave her magic pen and get you a deal unless you are completely capable and you can prove it on paper. (As we’ve already covered in the posts on book proposals.)

I have been extremely fortunate when it comes to partnering with an agent because I already had an offer before I went looking. In fact, Jane Frideman referred me to my agent, Rita Rosenkranz of Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency, and I haven’t looked back since. Rita has decades of experience in the publishing industry and did an excellent job negotiating my contract and filling me in on all the newbie writer things I didn't understand. My head still spins when I look at my contracts. And it’s reassuring to know that I can always call on Rita to answer a question or check up on something that might have been overlooked.

Of course, before asking Rita to represent me, I’d either met or had phone discussions with several agents. I was impressed with Rita’s depth of knowledge, patience, and straightforwardness. If you don’t have an agent and you are planning on pitching a book, I highly recommend that you get one. Not only can an agent negotiate a better contract for you than you can negotiate on your own, she can also advise you through the first-book process and help you envision a future writing career.

Just remember, like writers, agents are a diverse bunch. I know many writers who have “broken up” with their agents for a variety of reasons. And I don’t recommend that writers sign lengthy or excessively over-committed contracts. I like the arrangement I have with my agent. We work on one book at a time and if we both want to work with each other again, it’s our choice, not our obligation, to do so.

A few things to keep in mind: Just because an agent is the right agent for a writer friend, she may not be the right one for you. She might. But then again, she might not. Be sure to interview both your friend and her agent to determine if she is a fit for your project and personality.

Be sure you interact with as many agents as possible when it’s time to select one. Be selective and check references. This is not the time to take risks. Publishing is risky enough. Your agent should be rock solid.

Don’t expect your agent to be your mother or your buddy. She is your business partner and if you are going to develop a deeper friendship, it will happen over time. Trust your instincts. Getting out of an agent agreement is possible but, of course, it’s a hassle you’d rather avoid.


Today's Book Drawing: To enter to win a signed, numbered copy of Writer Mama, answer the following question in this blog's comments:

Sometimes the perfect agent isn't someone with a personality just like yours. It's the person with the opposite personality because then you make a more balanced team. Briefly describe your personality and then describe the personality that you think would compliment yours in an agent (doesn't have to be your opposite, but this is a good opportunity for self-reflection).

Thanks for participating! Only US residents, or folks with a US mailing address can participate in the drawing. Please only enter once per day.

Where will the drawing be tomorrow?

Visit to continue reading the rest of the Writer Mama story throughout March 2009!

About the book:

Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids by Christina Katz (Writer's Digest Books 2007)

Kids change your life, but they don't necessarily have to end your career. Stay-at-home moms will love this handy guide to rearing a successful writing career while raising their children. The busy mom's guide to writing life, this book gives stay-at-moms the encouragement and advice they need including everything from getting started and finding ideas to actually finding time to do the work - something not easy to do with the pitter-patter of little feet. With advice on how to network and form a a business, this nurturing guide covers everything a writer mama needs to succeed at her second job.

Weekly Top 5 Blog Posts for Writers...

1. How to Squeeze Writing Inspiration from Every Experience

2. How To Avoid Monumental Screw Ups When Working On Projects

3. How to NOT get Hired for a Blogging Job

4. 10 Ways to get Fit WHILE Blogging

5. The Art of Generating Buzz

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Writer Mama's Anniversary Blog Tour Giveaway Visiting Write To Travel...

Write to Travel has been chosen to be a stop on The Writer Mama Anniversary Blog tour Giveaway.

The blog tour kicked off at the beginning of March and has been visiting blogs around the world ever since.

The first stop, at Writing the Poetic Way, explained how author Christine Katz (aka Writer Mama) planned on visiting a different writing blog each day to share a consecutive installment of The Writer Mama Story.

Christine, by the way, is also the founder of Writers on the Rise, a active and informative online writing community for writers whatever their level of expertise.

Follow Christine's blog tour journey from day to day and don't forget to stop back here on Friday the 13th to visit with Christine and to enter for your chance to win a copy of The Writer Mama, the definitive guide that provides the knowledge, tools and inspiration to launch and develop a successful freelance writing career.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Upcoming Conferences and Events for Travel Bloggers and Travel Writers....

Here's a list of some of the conferences, events, and workshops happenng in the next few months that sound interesting.

Unfortunately, I can't make any of them, but you might be able to...

March 10th 2009 San Francisco, CA

Travel Blog Meet-up sponsored by Roots Restaurant, and - an informal meet-up for travel bloggers and the travel industry but you'll need to RSVP as the room's only big enough for 20.

March 14th 2009 Austin, TX

Blog Highways: Travel Blogging for the Wanderer workshop at South by Southwest Conference 2009 - listen to Sheila Scarborough (my co-blogger at Perceptive Travel)and Pam Mandel (Nerd's Eye View) discuss how to create a sense of place and build a community of fellow travelers.

July 25, 2009 Chicago, IL

The BlogHer conference finally has a travel blogging panel - Identity/Passions: TravelBloggers as Boundary-Breaking Evangelists with panelists A. L. Venable (Portland place-blogger), Pam Mandel (globetrotter and field trip enthusiast), Nancy Brown (travel writer), and Rosalind Cummings-Yeates (cultural TravelBlogger) who discuss how they close the gap between their front door and the rest of the world.

July 26, 2009 Chicago, IL

TravelBlog Exchange is hosting a Travel Blogger MeetUp with Wendy Perrin, Craig Martin, Christopher Elliot, Jen Leo and a whole heap more speakers during the BlogHer Conference. All travel bloggers are welcome and the event will be free of charge to all attendees.

Have I missed any??? Let me know...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Winners of the Intrepid Travel Writers Contest Announced...

Last month I mentioned that I had entered a travel writing contest over at Wanderlust and Lipstick. Well, the winners were announced today and unfortunately, I wasn't one of them.

But that's okay. After reading all the winning articles, I can see why they were chosen. Check them out for yourself.

Grand Prize Winner was Ylli’s Gifts by Jann Huizenga

The eight 'Best in Category' winners were...

Lost and Found by Shelley Seale

Memento Mori by Charlotte Chester

Anatomy of a Bribe by Antonio Sanchez

Commiserating with Camels by Alexis Wolff

Shangri-La by Tom Czaban

The Calcutta Railway Riot by Vicki Flier Hudson

Check, Please
by Kay Vail-Hayden

Riding the 341 by Mara Gorman

Make some time to read these fine travel articles. I promise that they will not only entertain you but also make you look at how you craft and create your own travel articles.

After reading them all, I realized that in order to improve my own travel writing, I need to...

- add more local color to my writing.
- add more local characters to my writing.

...and I think I'll start by revising the article that I submitted.