Monday, August 27, 2007

Tom Miller talks about travel writing…

I’ve been a big fan of Tom Miller ever since I discovered the book Jack Ruby's kitchen Sink(Offbeat Travels Through America's Southwest).

So I pleased to find this recent interview with him.

Here's his advice for anyone considering going into travel writing:

'Don’t quote a cabdriver on the way in from the airport and don’t quote the bartender the night before you leave. Avoid using quaint, charming, nestled, and locals. You want more advice? There are innumerable web sites now devoted to out of the way places, and writing about them. Check out Travelers’ Tales’ site, for example. They’re a class operation devoted to quality travel writing. More advice? Don’t talk to publicists. Carry as few items as possible that require batteries.

Either familiarize yourself with a place thoroughly by reading reading reading, or else wing it. I’m of the former school; I wouldn’t travel anywhere to write about it without thoroughly learning its history and culture, but there are those who can pull it off the other way, too. Getting published on-line opens up far more opportunities than just on paper. And yes, there are on-line travel accounts that have ended up as books. Check out Lois on the Loose, for example.'

Read the full interview over at American Chronicle.

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