Sunday, August 5, 2007

I've been given a Rockin' Girl Blogger award...

Yvonne over at Grow Your Writing Business has chosen me as a ‘Rockin' Girl Blogger’.

And she’s put me in such great company. Her list of Rockin' Girl Blogger’s includes Lisa from Design Your Writing Life, Alicia from Writing Sparks, Anne from Golden Pencil, Lori from Words on the Page,Joanna from Confident Writing, Alfa from Apple Door Says No to Bundy Clocks, Claudia from, Toni from Wifely Steps,and Christina from Writer Mama.

But you know, the next best thing to receiving an award is being able to pass it on to someone else. So I’d like to announce (drum roll here!!) the following as my nominations for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award.

Kristen at Inkthinker who provides an abundance of information for the freelance writer and creates challenges to keep us all writing.

Sheila over at Family Travel who has taught me a great deal about travel writing and is a great example of how perseverance eventually pays off.

Penelope, aka The Brazen Careerist, who writes with conviction about the intersection of work and life.

Marabella at Travels with a Gourmet who provides mouthwatering reviews of culinary and gastronomic experiences.

Julie at A Mingling of Tastes who, like me, is working on etching out a career in freelance writing.

Welcome to the world of Rockin' Girl Bloggers…

Pass it on…

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