Want to work with a great team of writers (Sheila Scarborough, Allison Stein Wellner and me)led by editor Tim Leffel?
Then you might want to apply for the travel blogger posiiton over at Perceptive Travel Blog
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Perceptive Travel is Looking for a Blogger
We’re all sad to say goodbye to Antonia Malchik, who is backing off from here to spend time giving birth to a second child and work on some less timely writing pursuits. We can’t argue with that. See her sign-off note here.
So that means we’ve got a spot open for a new blogger to join us. I’ve posted a special page on the website that gives a lowdown on what’s required of the position, what kind of person we are looking for, and what it pays. (Hint—the money is probably not the main reason you would want to do this…)
As a branch of the Perceptive Travel webzine, which regularly wins writing awards and gets into those “best travel writing” book anthologies, we want a real writer. This is not some blogging sweatshop throwing up banal content just meant to feed a big network owned by search engine marketers. So as you’ll see if you follow the link, you will need to prove you belong in the company of Sheila, Alison, and Liz—-and can fill Antonia’s shoes. (Though we wouldn’t mind a guy who wouldn’t be able to put on her shoes: it would be nice to have a smidgen of testosterone in the mix now and then.)
Interested in trying out? Go read the new blogger guidelines.
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