Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Technical Problems Plaguing Write to Travel...

Regular readers will have noticed that there have been less and less regular posts here at Write to Travel lately. It's mostly because of technical problems - the computer slowed down and started doing crazy things so in the end I had to resort to a complete restore back to it's pristine factory condition.

Which means, unfortunately, that I have lost all of my RSS feeds as I never got around to using google reader or anything similar to keep track. I only ever clicked on the RSS feed button on my toolbar which, somehow, magically, kept listing all my favorite blogs at the left side of my screen.

But now they are all gone and I have to start again so it might take a few days to get back to the 'Weekly 5 Top Blog Posts for Writers' etc.

Think you've got a blog that should be on my RSS feed then leave a comment with the URL and I'll check it out...

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