Monday, January 12, 2009

They're Talking Travel Blogging at the BlogHer 2009 and SWSX Conferences.

Not only are travel bloggers finally being recognized by the Weblog Awards, they are also, finally, finding a voice at some of the larger blog-focused conferences.

Here's the scope...

Sheila Scarborough from Family Travel Logue (and my co-blogger at Perceptive Travel blog) will be hosting “Core Conversation” about travelblogging alongside Pam Mandel from Nerd's Eye View at SWSX 09 this March in Austin.

And in July, at the BlogHer conference in Chicago, there will be a session devoted to travel blogging. Debbie from Delicious Baby and Kim Mance from Galavanting are also organizing a half-day meetup for travel bloggers.

Sure would like to go to these but that won't be happening. I just hope there will be some videos / podcasts / live twitter of these events for those of us who won't be able to make either of these conferences.

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