Friday, October 10, 2008

2009 Travel Writing Scholarship from is offering an amazing opportunity for anyone looking to become a travel writer.

The 2009 Travel Writing Scholarship is open to students, emerging and non-professional writers and lovers of travel looking for a career change.

Here's what you have to do...

- Write a 500 word (or less)travel focused essay based on a personal experience around one of the following themes; 'A Journey that Changed Lives', 'Responsible Travel', or 'Adventure in an Unknown Culture'

- complete the entry form which includes contact details and a 200 word (or less) essay on why you should be chosen and what the opportunity will mean for you. Your answer will provide considerable weight in the judging process.

And what you get if you win is ....

- a 10 day tour with The Blue Yonder, offering unique insight into the River Nila civilization in Kerala, India. Then, after touching base with your travel writing mentor - David Stott, you will hit the road for 10 days reviewing and writing for the Footprint India Handbook!

Sounds like a great way to kick start a writing career.

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