Sunday, July 27, 2008

Have Laptop, Will Travel...But How to Keep the Battery Going.

I usually take my laptop with me on my travels, allowing me to write and stay in touch with family and friends at the click of the mouse. But more often or not, I fnd that the battery runs dry long before my words do.

Hopefully, these Seven Tips for Better Notebook Battery Life from Laptop Mag will stop this from happening.

Here's a summary of what they recommend...

1. Sleep is good for the laptop so let it hibernate when inactive.
2. Don't be performance hungry - use the power saver feature.
3. Dim the lights.
4. Banish Non-Essential components.
5. run scheduled tasks only when plugged in.
6. lay off the multimedia.
7. get more juice.

To find out how to do all the above and let your laptop live longer on battery, check out the full article.

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