Monday, June 9, 2008

Travel Writing Miscellanea...

Budget Travel Magazine has put together it's 10th Anniversary issue with the help it's readers who wrote and provided tips for most of the articles. Great way to keep the readers happy. But what about the writers ? Do they feel a little left out? Sheila over at Family Travel has written an interesting post about Why would a magazine have YOU write their articles?

Interesting article in the Times Online - A travel book that pussyfoots around doesn't take you anywhere. Have a read and then head over to travelblather to why Jeremy seems to think the article missed the point.

Julie at the the traveler's notebook offers her thoughts on How to Get the Most Mileage Out of Your Travel Writing

And finally, Peter Damms co-founder of Travllerspoint Travel Community featured in my very first Green Tips for Travelers over at Traveling the Green Way.

And there's still time to enter the Green Travel Carnival that will be held on 11 June.

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