Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Online Travel Writing Workshop...

Nerd's Eye View is running a “Micro Travel Writing Workshop” with writer Angela Nickerson. Angela is on a virtual book tour to publicize her new book A Journey into Michelangelo's Rome.

Here's the deal...

You write a 200 word (or less) post based on the following prompt.

Michelangelo was just one of the thousands of architects, artists and laborers who molded and shaped St. Peter’s Basilica over two centuries. Every building, grand or humble, has a story and is the product of human hands working together. Choose one of your photographs of a building — large, small, monumental, inconsequential — and in 200 words or less, tell the building’s story.

Don't forget to include in your post the photograph that you are writing about.

Then drop a link to your post over in the Micro Travel Writing Workshop comments section.

All posts will be critiqued by Angela and the entire workshop will be posted up on Nerd's Eye View.

Sounds like a good deal to me. Count me in (I'll just have to come up with an inspiring photo first).

This workshop is a one week deal...the deadline is April 14th. So get writing.

And don't forget about the 'Six Word Travel Article' challenge.

Angela, by the way, will be the subject of next week's 'Interview with a Travel Writer.'

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