I found this over at Performancing.com
Travel bloggers needed
thebloggersguide.com, thetravelfront.com, and theweatherfront.com are looking for freelance writers and bloggers to blog about specific geographic regions. Currently they are looking for
"...editors and contributors for all European countries and capital cities, as well as Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Auckland, Cape Town, New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Vancouver."
These are paid blogging positions...
"There is a flat monthly fee for the ongoing work as above, plus a bonus based on page views – the more traffic you generate, the more money you earn.
In the summer of 2008 we will be publishing paperback guidebooks with the best content from each location. You will need to organise the content with this in mind and the book will carry your name as the Editor. We will pay a 12% a royalty on the guidebook."
Check out the full post at Performancing.com for more information.
Sounds intriguing.
Anyone decides to apply, let us know how you get on...
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