Saturday, November 10, 2007

SATW Institute for Travel Writing & Photography

The annual SATW Institute for Travel Writing and Photography is being held from January 25 to 27, 2008 in Orlando, Florida. This weekend long course is for...

"...writers, travel writers and experienced travelers who want to learn travel writing for articles and guidebooks or who already are travel writers and want to improve their performance. This travel writing course teaches how to prepare article queries and book proposals, how to negotiate contracts, how to work with editors, how to organize your time, how to self-publish your own books, and how to publish your travel writing on the Internet.”

Costs: $345 which covers course material, all meals, breaks, and social events.

Location: The course is being held at the Courtyard at Lake Lucerne, a historic inn in downtown Orlando.

Faculty for this course include Christopher P. Baker, Sandra Friend, Bruce Whipperman, and Veronica Gould Stoddart

Sounds like a course for anyone interested in breaking into guidebook writing.

FYI: I have Christopher P. Baker lined up for next week’s ‘Interview with a Travel Writer’.

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