Hi everyone. I am now back in New Zealand and am trying to recover from jetlag and the post-travel blues…plus the cold weather that has greeted me.
Needless to say, I haven’t done much on the writing front in September. No articles or query letters were sent out. I was too busy in Spain and New York City experiencing the travel to actually write about it. But I hope to fix that this month by sending out numerous query letters and articles about places and activities that I have discovered during my travels.
I had a great month travelling. I meet so many interesting and entertaining people along the way. In Madrid, I met up with Abha Malpani from the Written Road blog…you can read about our meeting here. It was great to talk with Abha who has done something that I often consider but haven’t quite yet got the courage to do. She dropped out of her former life in Public Relations/ Media and moved to a foreign country - ie Spain - to learn the language and pursue her desire to become a successful writer. She’s doing okay with this, teaching English to Spaniards, writing online content for Gridskipper, Written Road, Map Magazine, and now Vagablogging building up both contacts and content, and immersing herself in the Spainish culture…it really is quite inspiring.
In New York City, I finally got caught up with Wendy Perrin of Conde Nast Traveler magazine and The Perrin Post. We had a great lunch at the Gramercy Tavern and chatted away for a couple of hours about writing and blogging.
I’ll be spending the rest of this week posting some more about my travels and then will be back to the usual format of resources and interviews…
Meanwhile, here’s few interesting articles about the post-travel blues…
6 Simple Ways To Beat the Post-Travel Blues
Post Holiday Blues
The coming home blues
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