Monday, September 3, 2007

Surviving Jetlag...

Three days and four flights later, I am finally in Madrid trying to survive the 'jetlag'. I guess you could say I’m slightly worn out.

I tried to follow all the usual advice. Drink plenty of water, avoid (or at least minimize the alcohol and coffee). Eat healthy foods. Exercise as much as possible (which is easy to do at Heathrow and Madrid airports where you have to walk a marathon to get from A to B). Stay awake until night time at the new location. But I am still very, very weary.

But that’s okay cause I’m where I want to be - in Madrid. Soon I’ll be walking the streets, looking for the Plaza Mayor once the location of beatifications, autos da fe, and public executions as well bullfights, festivals and tournaments. Today, of course, the Plaza Mayor maintains a much more tamed existence, with the Madrid Tourist Center now one of the it’s main attractions.

So the adventures begin…but first I may just take a little siesta.

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