Sunday, July 1, 2007

Things to consider if you’re thinking of creating a new blog…

I recently read two very interesting articles about things to consider when planning a new blog.

The first article, Use blogs as a career tool for becoming super-connected, looks at why blogs can be a good career move.

According to the Brazen Careerist (aka Penelope Trunk),

“Blogging allows you to create a high-quality network for yourself based, not on the old model of passing out business cards, but on a new model of passing out ideas.”

Furthermore, blogging also provides

“…the tools for blogging encourage people to measure the reach of their personal brand. You can measure the number of people who are talking about you (via Technorati) and the number of people who are visiting you (via SiteMeter), and you can see who is telling their friends to read you (via Mint).”

Of course, as freelance writers, we already know all this. Blogging provides us with an avenue to showcase our writing abilities and allows us to get our name in circulation. But it’s always interesting to read another person’s take on it and learn from other people's experiences.

Deciding to blog, however, is only part of the equation. You then have to decide what to blog about.

The second article, Choosing Another Blog Topic - Mind Map Review, is all about how to choose a blogging topic. Yvonne has done some serious brainstorming and created a great visual tool that highlights all the relevant issues you should consider before creating a blog.

Issues such as ’Deciding on Blog Topic and Focus’, ‘Finding Possible Popular Blog Topics’, and the need to ‘Explore the Niche’ before committing to the topic.

It definitely got me thinking…

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