Monday, June 18, 2007

Planning a trip as a Travel Writer...

I’ve been busy lately planning a month long holiday in September. Except it won’t just be a holiday. It will be my first trip as a ‘travel writer’. Not that I have any commissions lined up (yet!). It’s just that I have put myself in a mindset that I will be travelling as a writer.

No longer will I simply take off to places unknown without a list of article ideas to follow up.

No longer will I travel without notebooks, recording devices, and business cards.

No longer will I travel without first sending out numerous query letters trying to get one or two editors interested in where I am going.

I am a travel writer….

Today I sent out three query letters relating to my travels…

Tomorrow I will visit the my travel agent…

Where am I going ? Spain and New York.

I’m looking at a week in Madrid and then a week in a small village outside Madrid where I have discovered a unique activity that I feel has article potential (not to mention will be a lot of fun).

Then I’ll be off to New York for my lunch date with Wendy Perrin (consumer travel editor of Conde Nast Traveler and founder of The Perrin Post)and a chance to explore New York City.

Meanwhile, I will continue to research, plan, and scheme about ways to write and travel…

By the way, a new 'Where's Wendy?' contest is starting on June 21st...I'll be testing my knowledge again.

Maybe I can win a second lunch...

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